An interesting patient case of peroneal nerve paralysis managed successfully with neurodynamic mobilization and manual therapy.
Anterior cruciate ligament is a very common injury amongst athletes. What to do to return to sport? Early surgery operation or conservative treatment and late operation? Learn more at
Thanks to Dr Clare Ardern from Linkoping University, Sweden and La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia. Neck and arm neuropathic pain: benefits of nerve gliding, mobilization and neurodynamic treatment. Nee et al (2012)
The placebo effect is an intrigued and unexplained mechanism where medications, treatments and therapies that aren't supposed to produce benefits for unknown reasons make feel patients better. Thanks to Emma Bryce for her TED Ed animation.
Myofascial release MFR is emerging as a strategy with a solid evidence base and tremendous potential. |
AuthorMassimo Monticelli M.Ost Archives
June 2023